Ready for some fun riddles :) ;)

You’re running a race and pass the person in 2nd place. What place are you in now?

I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?


Did you know?

* Ever wondered why lawyers wear black and doctors wear white  coats?

Black is the color of authority and power. Black also implies submission. Priests wear black to signify submission to God. So is the case with lawyers. Their submissions are towards justice. White symbolizes life and purity. Increasingly physicians understood the mechanisms of infection and the desirability of cleanliness, and eventually, of a true sterile environment. 

 *Noticed these 4 multicolored dots on the edges of a newspaper ?                                                                                                                      

Those colours are called CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow and black), the base colours for all colours used in printing. Basically any colour can be obtained by using these in correct proportions. Plates of all these colours are laid out on a page separately and lined up in the same spot while printing. This is necessary to print a full colour image accurately. If the images are somehow blurry and not crisp enough, you will find the colours overlapping or not in the same line. 

You may not know the exact number of newspapers that are printed daily, but it is common knowledge that they are done so in abundance. Physically checking all the pages of the paper is not possible. For a printer, who has been doing this for years, knows what an apt CMYK looks like. If there is anything off, he/she will be able to spot it. So basically they serves as 'printer's marker'.